One of my best shoots. Isn't it?

One of my best shoots. Isn't it?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Cover of the September issue of Dazed & Confused magazine


  1. nice pics...!! congratulations dakota...!

  2. You have always been beautiful girl but seeing these pictures anyone can plainly see you are now a beautiful WOMAN!

  3. You're amazing Dakota!

  4. you are so beaitiful dakota <3 dont let anyone ever change you, you are so perfect just the way you are x


About Me

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Conyers, Georgia, United States
Hey Guys. I am Hannah Dakota Fanning, or simply known as Dakota Fanning. This is my personal and official blog, I'm gonna write here, what I did, how I felt, where I have been and of course news about photoshootings. Have fun in my blog.